Skill Samurai - Ashmore

STEM Special Interest Class
with Skill Samurai

October 18 (Friday)
at 1:30 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Skill Samurai Ashmore, Suite 15A, 160 Cotlew St, Ashmore, QLD, 4214

At various times throughout the month, we'll be hosting STEM Special Interest Classes. 
This is open to all students with an active membership. The idea is to give students access to other technologies and new experiences. 

Generally, your centre manager will send an email notifying parents and students of this months class topic. 

Topics Include:
App Development
3D Design and  Printing
Website Development
Robotics and Coding
Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning
Video production / editing


Sorry but this class is in progress, you can't register anymore.
